Return & Refund Policy

Order Cancelation:

  • Order can be canceled if customer contact us in time after order placed
  • Orders can't be canceled once the parcel is shipped out or we have already begun to custom the hair
  • Order will be issued as soon as possible after placed, so you will be charged a 5% processing fee.

Return policy:

  • 30 Days: We advice you check the hair after you receive it, if the size, style, color doesn't match your needs, please contact us for return or exchange. We don’t accept used hair returning or any claim about not matching description over 30 days. Besides, if you just don't want the item and want a refund, please also contact us within 5 days after you receipt it, and you will be charged 5% restocking fee. (this is withheld from refund)
  • Original Condition: Items must be returned in original condition  Please make sure the wig is INTACT and the LACE has NOT been cut.
  • Contact Us First: The customer must email to for a return authorization prior to sending any product back to us. Or the refund will not be issued and the customer will have to pay the shipping to get the item returned
  • Return Shipping: Buyer needs to pay the return shipping fee if it is not a seller problem.

About Claims

  • Delivery Claim:If the parcel is delivered unsuccessfully because of wrong address provied by customer, We are not responsible for any loss caused;If the parcel is lost by the shipping company, please contact the delivery conmpany for more details.
  • Unauthorized Transactions Claim:Once you found anybody placed an order from your card or your account, please kindly inform us within 7 days after the order was placed, we don't accept unauthorized transaction refund provided when the order was placed over 7 days
  • Package Lost Claim: If you din't get the package when shipping history shows it is delivered, please contact us at the first time, we will contact the shipping company to solve the problem for you. If unfortunatly the package is lost , we need your assist to open a case,If the shipping company can't solve the problem due to customer unwilling to provide the proof , or provide the proof too late to solve the issue, we will not refund or resend the hair.
  • Paypal Claim : Hair belongs to consunables,.so if you met any question during use, please contact us in 2 month. We will try our best to solve your issue. Since the shipping information and other related proves may disappear after 3 months, so please understand we do not accept any claim on paypal about the hair over 3 months